About CA Pallavi Akolkar
Pallavi Akolkar commenced her professional journey as a young Chartered Accountant at the early age of 21 years.
She got opportunities to work with several Business Leaders and Financial Leaders during her tenure of 17 years in Corporate.
She worked with the cross functional teams such as Sales, Operations, Manufacturing, Production, Marketing, IT & the list goes on.
Passionate about the Entrepreneurship and to leverage her competencies in various functions of the business she decided to incorporate a company. A dream comes true in the form of “ArshviTech Global Solutions Inc.”
She was one of the key employee of the organizations wherever she worked demonstrating the Woman Leadership in the diversified environment.
Always keen to work with ethics giving complete justice to the business by leveraging the skills and competencies.
- B Com
- Chartered Accountant
- BEC – Business English Certificate Preliminary council of Europe Level B1
- Six Sigma Green Belt Certified
- IELTS – International English Language Testing System of British Council , IELTS Australia & Cambridge English Language Assessment
- First Class with distinction through out education levels,
- Successful completion of CA as professional qualification
- Topper in Business Practice in Brihan Maharashtra College Of Commerce (B.M.C.C.).
- Awarded silver medal for good academic achievement in Bachelor of Commerce.
- Published photo in the college magazine for having good educational record & first class with distinction in Final year B Com.
- Band 7 in a IELTS examine conducted by IELTS Australia / University of Cambridge / British Council
- Passed with Merit in BEC Certification conducted by University of Cambridge
- Presentation in Marhata Chamber of Commerce ( MCCIA) Pune on “ Merging PMS with the Financial Matrices : The Mantra of Success “ for senior leaders , CEO’s , CFO’s of the industries in Pune . Around 55 people attended the same. Great Appreciation at all levels
- Actively involved in the Start ups
- Actively involved in the process , procedures and policy set ups
- Six Sigma Green belt project on Inventory aging and cotrol
- Actively involved in the integration team of a New Business Acquisition
- Worked with Cross Functional teams
- Representing the business in the SAP implementation
- Training
- Given a write up on a “ Success Story Of Six Sigma ”
- Given a write up of “ Women Leadership ”
- Write Ups on varied topics in Linked in
- Successful implementation and roll over of accounting and finance function
- Looking after the operations of US and Europe Subsidiaries
- Development and Implementation of Various Frameworks in different aspect of Business
- Working with the companies for profitability improvement through processes improvement