About ArshviTech Global Solutions Inc.

“ArshviTech Global Solutions Inc. Canada” was incorporated on 24th Feb 2017 with a view to add value to the business of the customers and make improvements in the value chain with the varied expertise. With the continuous efforts of the team, we took our footstep in India as a second entity on 28 April 2017 as “ArshviTech Global Solutions India“
“Growing Together & Spreading happiness among customers, Vendors, Employees and all stakeholders with Integrity, Quality, Commitment, Sustainability and Professionalism” is the Motto of our company for achieving customer satisfaction by providing Quality Products and value-added services.
We believe in growing together with our valued customers by delivering Quality Products and expert services as per the Customers Requirements.
We Specializes in the fields of KIOSK, Material Handling Trolleys, Engineering services. We also provide expert services in Operations Management, Finance, Accounting, HR, Supply Chain Management & Logistics, Software Development, Training & Development.
We have a team of highly skilled professionals who will bring to the table varied experience with immense knowledge of the subject with hands on experience.
We provide customized solutions Comprises of products and services for the customers business considering the scale of operations, Industry Segment, Organization Structure etc. for the optimum utilization of the resources and help the customer leverage maximum benefits from its resource pool.
Our Major Customers are in Manufacturing Industry, Engineering Industry, Hotel & Hospitality Industry, Dairy & Milk Products Industry, Food & Beverages Industry, Education & Learning Industry, Process Industry, Software & Mobile Applications Industry.
Years Expereince
Happy Clients

“Business Partnership : One Window for Multi Functions to Grow & Prosper your Business”
AarshviTech is a mark of Excellence , Professionalism , Integrity and Ethics ! We want to make our organization a happy Place to work for Employees , Vendors , Customers and All Stake Holders . Growing together with Customers is our thought process . Win - Win for all is the value proposition
Company Vision:
“Spreading happiness” is the Moto of our company. We aim to be recognized as “The organization with Ultimate Efficiency and Ethics” We want to expand our horizons globally.
Our Band name “ArshviTech” give the Trust and Confidence to the customers that their work will be delivered with the highest efficiency and quality standards.
We ensure that “ArshviTech” is a great workplace and the Organization which will spread happiness among the Customers , Vendors , Employees and all the Stake Holders with Utmost Integrity and honesty .
Company Mission :
To be among the Million Dollar Companies in the Span of 5 years and in the Billion Dollar Companies in the span of 10 years.
Customer Satisfaction is our priority . Adaptability of New Edge Technology and serve the Global Needs of the Business with high end capabilities.
We respect our responsibility towards the Society and all the Stake Holders . Our Mission is to Make “ArshviTech” a great workplace for all.
Our client loves us and see what they said about us
I had a pleasure working with Pallavi in Emerson for almost 2.5 years. She has very sound domain knowledge in Finance and accounting. She is also able to communicate very effectively in her calm and quiet manner. More importantly, she is a very good team player; thus asset to any team that she belongs to or leads. I wish her all the best for her future.
Pallavi is an expert in her subject and is detail oriented. It was great working with her as she always threw insight into aspects which perhaps no one else in the team thought. She always comes with recommended solutions to issues which differentiates her with others. Extremely diligent, hardworking and thorough in various aspect of finance.
I wish her all success in her endeavors !
Pallavi is very nice & straight-foward person. Her style of working is professional & has got the deep knowledge of her subject.She is very focused on her objectives, ready to share her experience. She does not hesitate to put forward her view in any forum. In all a very good person.
I worked with Pallavi when we are at Emerson. She is dynamic,result oriented and having deep knowledge in the area of accounts, tax, MIS, Finance. I also learn a lot from her during my tenure. She can be an asset for any organization she works with. I wish all the best to Pallavi
I have worked with Pallavi during CP/S -SAP deployment project for HBS – US. She has broad knowledge and experience for finance module. She is technically proficient, able to connect and works very well with diverse group of people. She has contributed greatly for the project success with her dedicated and focus approach.
CA Pallavi is very Logical ,visionary Financial professional-consultant-Planner having problem solving attitude which benefits to her MSME clients from business start-up stage to sales & profitability improvements through process improvements, review mechanism.
I am Glad to recall that Pallavi did one of the Best Six Sigma Green Belt Projects in Honeywell !! Especially related to finance we had very rare projects were done in past.. I would like to appreciate her very good hard work with an excellence approach for Continuous Improvements in organisation work !! I am sure with such attitude she shall be a great resource for her organisation !!
Pallavi is very punctual in completing the given assignments. She attends every task with great vigour and passion. Her knowledge about GAAP, supported by positive attitude helps to accomplish organisational goals. She has set good practices in Financial MIS and analytics which drives and controls financial goals of an organisatoin.
1. You are really a very hard working and focus oriented personality.
2. During our short professional interaction, it was always objective on which you had total concentration (i hope you remember Violet Tonner Plant configuration we did)
3. Personally, you are very kind and a very good friend.
4. I am absolutely glad to have you in my friend list.
5. You are very supportive and cheering person as well!!All the best and be the same always!!
Pallavi is very clever with very sharp memory & clear in concepts, vision of anything that she undertakes. She is very professional while dealing with any client and her every work is in the interest of client’s good but within the precribed procedure as well as legal frame work. She has great stamina of work and all her assignments are up to date and within time frame. She explains well in advance to all the clients various aspects of work and repurrcussions. She never takes the undue advantage of client if the client is stuck up with wrong doing as well as every client whether rich or poor have been given equal preferrence by her a very rare quality. Since she has worked in various financial fields she has abondon knowledge of many fields. She is a single point contact for many of new projects, financial deals etc. A rare quality very few may be aware that she is very innovative & out of box in thinking and this has helped many clients to great advantage who were otherwise stuck up with hurdles of various procedures. Last but not least she is always ground to earth with no ego and ensures that client’s assignment is successfully completed in time. She is very forthright in her opinion backed with strong justification for every action required in the project. Her fee is always reasonable even to small proprietors. I feel lucky to be in contact with her and I wish her all the bests.
Process oriented, methodical and a system’s driven person. At the same time, she did not possess a bureaucratic mindset and not a prisoner of the system. She is essentially a problem solver, ever ready with solutions without overlooking or sidestepping the process. This is Pallavi Akolkar!!!!
Ms. Pallavi Akolkar is known to me through Linkedin/com. She comes out to be a detailed oriented number crunching person. Knows her subject very well and can implement her knowledge to the best of her ability. She has a very practical approach towards her work and comes out with applicable (non-theoretical) solutions to all the challenges faced at work level by her team as well as colleagues and peers. Wish her all success in her new initiatives.
Her initiative to connect PMS with financial numbers will help the Organisation to drive the PMS process in a objective manner.
Pallavi is focused to her targets,she has vision to forecast and ability to lead the Team with motivation. She has achieved so many mile stones in her life and deserve to lead a Team. Able financial consultant who can make strategic planning and execute. In her personal front she is simple, caring,God fearing . God bless her. All the best Pallavi!!!!!!!!!!!!!